For some, the I-Ching isn’t just a divination tool; it can trigger deep-seated feelings of fear or anxiety, linked to past life trauma. These traumas often stem from lifetimes where individuals were punished or even killed for delivering unwelcome messages through divination. In this lifetime, the trauma manifests as an inability to engage with the I-Ching, creating blocks that prevent people from using it effectively.
Trauma Blocks to Using the I-Ching
Interestingly, these blocks can be quite specific. You might encounter someone who is highly psychic, fully capable of performing other forms of divination like reading tea leaves or interpreting cards, but when it comes to the I-Ching, they freeze. These individuals may find themselves unable to draw hexagrams or feel overwhelmed by the mere sight of one. They may look at a hexagram and feel a deep sense of horror or trauma, as though something profound has been triggered inside them.
This trauma can manifest in several ways:
One person I know has vivid memories of being tortured in a past life for delivering a divination that displeased someone in power. She recalls being dragged along on bloody stumps of her legs after her feet had been chopped off—an experience that has caused a profound block in working with the I-Ching in this lifetime.
Using Humor to Heal
If you find yourself blocked when working with the I-Ching, a lighter approach might help you ease into it. The light-heartedness in AskDuckie can help bypass those fears. The playful Duckie stories and graphics offer a humorous perspective, distancing you from the traumatic associations of the hexagrams. If hexagrams trigger fear or anxiety, try focusing on the Duckie pictures instead, and see if it shifts your perception.
Healing Through I-Ching Divination
Alternatively, you can use the I-Ching itself as a tool for healing your trauma. The steps are simple but powerful:
1. Set the intention to heal your I-Ching-related trauma.
2. Ask a question such as, "Which part of the I-Ching do I need to work with right now to heal my trauma?"
3. Use the AskDuckie divination tool to generate a reading.
4. Let the energies of the result (embedded in the hexagram interpretation text) work on your trauma. The downloads from the hexagram text can work on your DNA, helping release old fears.
This practice provides not only divinatory guidance but also offers an energetic pathway to healing, allowing you to reconnect with the I-Ching in a gentle and healing way.
A Path to Healing and Reconnection
By embracing the humor of AskDuckie or asking the I-Ching directly for healing, you can begin to work through any past life trauma that may be blocking you from fully engaging with this powerful divination tool. Whether it's by laughing with Duckie or allowing the energies from the hexagram downloads to heal your DNA, you have multiple ways to reconnect with the I-Ching in a way that feels safe and nurturing. Take the steps that feel right to you, and let the wisdom of the I-Ching guide your healing journey.
Duckie is a friendly duck who loves sharing her little adventures to help people better understand what they may be going through in life, so that they can feel more aligned with the timeless wisdom of the I-Ching.
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